A Letter to Mums: Reframe "Self-Care" to "Us-Care"
Dear Mums,
Amidst our bustling lives, I understand how self-care often takes a backseat to tasks like prepping dinner, cleaning or folding laundry. In a world that praises selflessness, the notion of self-care can feel counterintuitive. But what if we redefine it as a profound form of "us care"? This shift in thinking holds the power to reshape how we care for ourselves and our families.
As mothers, we're masters at tending to everyone else's needs, sometimes neglecting our own well-being. Yet, self-care isn't self-indulgence; it's the foundation for being our best-energised selves for our loved ones. Imagine it as the crucial preparation that equips us to give, share, and support from a place of vitality.
When we practice self-care, we replenish holistically - our physical, emotional, and mental reserves. This revival empowers us to be more present for our families, armed with passion, patience, and empathy. By prioritising our needs, we lead by example, inspiring others to do the same and nurturing a culture of well-being at home. This is a personal value I'm dedicated to imparting to my daughters.
Moreover, self-care isn't selfish—it's an act of self-respect that echoes in our relationships. Upholding boundaries, finding joy in relaxation, and embracing uplifting activities convey a sense of self-worth that enriches our connections. This balance becomes the cornerstone of meaningful interactions within our families.
Remember, "us care" goes beyond individualism. Nurturing ourselves strengthens our support network. Prioritising well-being isn't selfish; it's the most selfless path to uplifting those we cherish.
So, when hesitation arises about taking time for yourself (or sitting down for that 20-min meditation), know that nurturing you sets the stage for nurturing your family. Embrace this shift in perspective and embark on a journey of positive change—for you and your loved ones.
Warmly, Nicole (A Fellow Mother)