Meditation Course

The Course

This is the only meditation course your workplace will ever need. Each employee will walk away with a comprehensive understanding of how easy and simple meditation can be, why you should be practicing it daily, and how it will improve your life in meaningful and transformative ways.

The Workplace Meditation program consists of three sessions over 3 consecutive days.

Session 1 - 120minutes
Session 2 - 90minutes
Session 3 - 90minutes

The Technique

I teach and encourage intuition based mantra meditation which is effortless; natural and unforced. I provide your team with a mantra, which is seen simply as a (sound-vibration), without a connection to any meaning or idea. Sitting comfortably with your eyes closed, the student repeats the silent mental mantra for 20-minutes, twice a day.

This mantra technique is incredibly easy to learn and extremely effective, bringing immediate and profound benefits to the student. The mantra effortlessly leads the mind into quieter, more subtle states. This in turn brings a sense of calmness, clarity, lightness and adaptability to the meditator’s daily life. Life becomes easier, richer and more rewarding

Your employees will soon realise the technique is easy to master. In fact, we don’t actually place much emphasis on what occurs during the 20-min meditation. The real benefits can be seen and felt outside of practice, once we open our eyes and step into the world and workplace.

The Offering

Offering One: Employees come to us.
Employees receive meditation training in groups of 10 in one of two beautiful and convenient locations on the Gold Coast.

Offering Two: The teacher comes to you.
Nicole will visit your company and facilitate group training for 2-40+ employees. Management will be provided with the skills and tools to integrate the new workplace wellbeing culture and support employees to integrate meditation into their daily routine


The 3-session course will be designed to compliment your work culture, improve productivity and effectiveness while supporting the demands and business values of your particular working environment.

Your employees will experience sustainable benefits that will integrate well within your organisational culture. 

2 - 5 employees $575pp
5 - 10 employees $550pp
10-20 employees $500pp
20-30 employees $475pp
30-40 employees $350pp
40+ employees $295pp

*The cost of the course can be claimed as a tax deduction