Positive Nutrition
Food is medicine. Regardless if you follow a #vegan, #carnivore, plant-based, Keto, #AIP or pesceterian diet, I recommend mothers eat intuitively - a varied diet filled with nutrient dense whole foods that compliments their bio-individuality, ethics, lifestyle and taste buds.
🌿The phrase, “you are what you eat” is true. It's important to eat mindfully and slowly (digestion starts as you chew). Food nutrients literally control almost every little cell and function of your body and mind. We know ~70% of immune tissue is situated in the digestive tract (hello leaky gut and autoimmune disease).
🌿The human body requires seven major types of nutrients ( protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, mineral, fibre and water).
🌿INFLAMMATION + LEAKY GUT causes - Overuse of medications, undetected gluten intolerances & allergies, stress, overgrowth of bacteria, parasites and yeast (#candida), toxins (mercury, mould). Food; sugar, corn syrup, emulsifiers, trans fats, processed meats & food, simple/refined carbs, vegetable oils, alcohol junk food and deep-fried.
🌿REDUCE & HEAL- Overall healthy diet (berries, fatty fish, broccoli, avo, green tea, tomatoes, turmeric (with black pepper). Add in organic produce, fermented vegetables, Incl #collagen (bone broth), hemp oil, flax seed, probiotic kefir. Eliminate food allergies, treat any infections or overgrowth of bugs.
🌿WATER: Good quality genuine spring/fluoride free water. How much water per day? Divide your weight by 25 i.e I weigh 55kg so I should drink minimum 2.2litres per day. 🌿Due to poor soil mineral content + long-term storage of food often a healthy diet isn't enough. Generally speaking you may need to supplement daily with iron, B12 (Methylated B complex), Vit D, C and #magnesium, omega 3. Gut-healing nutrients such as glutamine and zinc.
🌿Re-introduce beneficial bacteria to the gut through a high quality probiotics (50-100 billion units daily with warm water in AM), regular exposure to natural bacteria (gardening, walk outside barefoot, eat from local farmer’s market (rinsing only, not scrubbing produce completely) & consume local honey.