Forget everything you thought you knew about meditation.
Hello, I’m Nicole and I’ve designed a short (3-session) meditation course which is accessible, simple and relevant. I teach and encourage intuition based meditation which is effortless; natural and unforced. Low on spirituality and time commitment.
You may have dabbled in guided meditation or visualisation before, downloaded an app and experienced ‘mindfulness’, or practised breath work or yoga. Sure, these practices can be wonderfully rewarding and relaxing, but it is not what I teach.
I teach a unique meditation technique that involves the use of a silent mantra (sound-vibration) and is practised while sitting comfortably (whatever that looks like for you), for 20 minutes, twice per day. That’s it. No websites, i-phones, books, essential oils, bells or chants required. After you master this technique (which you will), it’s a gratifying, lifelong ‘meta-skill’ to use in your life…anywhere, at any time.
This meditation technique is effortless,
which means there is no need to control or try force any kind of experience that isn't naturally happening. There is no such thing as a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ meditation, every meditation is of equal value benefit.
After learning this technique, you may notice changes immediately (yes, even from the first session), from deep relaxation, clarity and calm to a greater sense of self, authenticity and a strong feeling of connectedness to yourself and others. After practicing for some time, many notice overall wellbeing improves significantly and you instinctively evolve to live life more aligned to your values, with an increased shift-in positive perspective, habits and mindset.
Having practised yoga for 16 years, I had always had a curiosity about how meditation could benefit me.
They say you know when you’re truly ready to learn and I have to say Nicole came into my life at the right time.
I had a fear that the entry point for learning a mantra-style meditation would be too high and, dare I say, worthy, however Nicole’s authenticity, warmth, wealth of knowledge and delivery meant the three-day course was enjoyable and, dare I say, life changing. With her guidance, I was able to use this simple but powerful, technique to go into a deep state on one of my first meditations and now practise twice daily. Although it is early days, my mind already feels clearer, I am more patient and have a greater sense of happiness.
I feel like this three-day course is the greatest life-long gift you can give yourself or someone you love. Thank you so very much, Nicole – Amy Mills.
Meditation is the gateway to turn off the fight-or-flight response, reduce stress, anxiety and connect to our body’s capacity for self-healing. You’ll soon realise, the technique is easy to master. In fact, we don’t actually place much emphasis on what actually happens during the 20-min meditation. The real benefits can be seen and felt outside of the practice, once we open our eyes and step into the world.
We begin to live our daily lives consciously. Relationships improve, were more patient and present with our children, we’re mindful of how we interact and connect with one another. How we respond to life, all the beautiful ups and the challenges.